Although, while he is gone, the girl’s mother calls. Her mom is less than thrilled with her and her father’s activities and says, “‘Somebody else gets a peach with a bug in it, and throws it away but not him. He makes up a lot of foolishness about it.’” To which the girl defends, retorting that it isn’t foolishness. She is upset at being told that she was dumb in liking the bug. The mother replies, “‘All right all right, don’t get angry at me about a horrible peach bug of some kind’” (130). Her mom manipulates her into feeling guilty for thinking outside societal norms and eventually convinces her to squish the bug and to go back home and attend a party of a girl she doesn’t even know. All of this despite the girl earlier wanting to stay with her father longer and have a bad peach and a peach
Although, while he is gone, the girl’s mother calls. Her mom is less than thrilled with her and her father’s activities and says, “‘Somebody else gets a peach with a bug in it, and throws it away but not him. He makes up a lot of foolishness about it.’” To which the girl defends, retorting that it isn’t foolishness. She is upset at being told that she was dumb in liking the bug. The mother replies, “‘All right all right, don’t get angry at me about a horrible peach bug of some kind’” (130). Her mom manipulates her into feeling guilty for thinking outside societal norms and eventually convinces her to squish the bug and to go back home and attend a party of a girl she doesn’t even know. All of this despite the girl earlier wanting to stay with her father longer and have a bad peach and a peach