The Ring of Gyges is found when “a violent thunderstorm and an earthquake broke open a chasm in the ground” (38). The Ring of Power is also found within the ground, by a curious Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. This occurs when Bilbo is lost within the goblin city, when he runs into the deformed…
In the book, The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, Bilbo is a hobbit that is trying to live his life in peace and Tranquility. But then a soon to be a close friend named Gandalf comes around. His goal is to convince Bilbo to join him on an expedition. An expedition that will span across the land and ultimately modify him. Everything to his willingness to explore, his knowledge of good and malevolence, and how he lives his life will be forever…
Moreover, Frodo and Luke also demonstrate determination when Frodo goes on despite of his wound and when Luke wants to train with Yoda. Although he is struck by the Morgul blade, a poisonous blade that shows no mercy to its victims almost a malediction, by the Lord of the Ringwraiths on Weathertop, Frodo goes onwards in his journey. Others seem surprised by Frodo’s endurance, Gandalf even a bit baffled, stressing “’I have known strong warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome by that splinter, which you bore for seventeen days.’” (Tolkien 289). Because of his determination and strength, Frodo is able to overcome the power of the malefic, poisonous blade that would otherwise kill him. Not backing down, Luke shows his determination when he does not back down to receive training from Yoda on Dagobah. When finding out that Yoda is actually the creature that has been with him all along, Luke is persistent trying to convince the Jedi Master to train him insisting“Yoda! I am ready. I...Ben! I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him I'm ready” (Lucas Empire 50). He does not back down against his goal of becoming a Jedi showing his determination of the task. The creators of Fellowship of the Ring and the Star Wars trilogy,…
The trilogy of The Lord of the Rings along with The Hobbit, both written by devoted Catholic J.R.R Tolkien have been banned across the nation because it was deemed “irreligious”. The popular trilogy of The Lord of the Rings is about a civilization whose future rests on the fate of the One Ring, which has been lost for centuries. For this reason, evil forces are searching for it, but somehow, fate has placed the One Ring in the hands of Frodo Baggins when he inherits the ring. In order for Frodo to save his civilization, he must destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, where it was forged.…
Authors often use symbolism in their stories to help their readers through the story and to help them know what's important. In this series the ring that frodo holds is a symbol of evil and how it corrupts you if you do its bidding. In this story if you put on the ring you do what it wanted you to do and then it takes over your body making you want to control all others or drives you mad and makes you run away. The symbol of the ring also became a symbol of war and until it was destroyed people would be at constant war and the evil would be winning and that’s how the ring ties into the thesis that war is…
In the book The Hobbit, Tolkien uses the golden ring as symbolism, revealing actions, and inner thinking to interpret Bilbo’s drive. Do you think this “ring” will effect Bilbo in a negative or positive way?…
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. By J. R. R. Tolkien. Dir. Peter Jackson. Perf. Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen and Orlando Bloom. 2001.…
Today's society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Most styles and trends are in one day and out the next, from clothing, jewelry, and accessories. However some trends are timeless and never go out of style, like the Irish Claddagh ring. But what is the origin of the jewelry and why is it still such a popular trend today? All these questions can be explained by looking at the origin, legends, meaning, and usage of the ring.…
Frodo left it to his best friend Sam before he left to leave with the elves.…
After the English king dies leaving no heir, in the churchyard of a cathedral in London, a sword appears imbedded in a stone inscribed, "Who so pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of England." Although many try, no one can budge the sword from the stone. Deep in the dark woods, kind, but absent-minded Merlin the Magician begins to teach 11-year-old Arthur, who is called Wart, and lives in the castle of Sir Ector where he's an apprentice squire to burly, oafish Sir Kay -- when he's not washing stacks of pots and pans in the scullery. By being changed by Merlin into various animals, Wart learns the basic truths of life, but he also runs into the evil Madam Mim, who tries to destroy him. Merlin and Mim have a Wizards' Duel, during which each changes into various creatures, with Merlin using his wits to win. On New Year's Day, a great tournament is held in London to pick a new king. Wart, attending as Kay's squire, forgets Kay's sword, and runs back to the inn to get it, but the inn is locked. Wart, seeing the sword in the stone, innocently, and easily, pulls it out. When the knights marvel at the wondrous sword and question where he got it, Wart has to prove himself all over again, and again he pulls the sword from the stone. Wart is proclaimed king by the marveling warriors.…
Tolkien went off to college and graduated. After going to college he met his soon to be wife Edith Bratt and he had four kids with her. This is where his writing career started with his children who inspired him to write a book called The Father Christmas Letters. This soon led him to make the book The Hobbit in 1937. The book was so successful that he decided to make a sequel called The Lord of The Rings. Which consist of the main Character Bilbo Baggins passing on his house and all his belongings to his apprentice Frodo Baggins. Frodo ends up going on a long journey to destroy an evil ring that in the wrong hands could destroy the whole…
William Magear Tweed was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan on April 3, 1823. He was a volunteer fireman in the early 1940's, he organized the American Fire Company No. 6 and thats what got him into politics. In 1852 Tweed served as an alderman and then was elected to the U.S. House of Represntatives, in 1856 the New York City Board of Advisors, and in 1867 the New York State Senate. Tweed was made a director of the Erie Railroad by two finaciers, Big Jim Fisk and Jay Gould, and of course in turn Tweed arranged favorable legislation for them.…
After defeating the Balrog, a vicious fiery dragon-like creature in the Mines of Moria, Gandalf the Grey was pulled off of the bridge of Khazad-dum, resulting in his death. Since Gandalf was the leader…
The play "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles is a tragedy in which the main character, Oedipus Rex, killed his father and married his mother. Approaching the end of the play, Creon, now the King of Thebes, said to Oedipus, "Think no longer/That you are in command here, but rather think/How, when you were, you served your own destruction." Creon is correct in this pronouncement. Three times throughout the play, Oedipus failed to take the advice of significant people in his life. His father, Polybus, the prophet, Teiresias, and his wife, Jocasta, all tried to advise him to stop pursuing the truth. His incapability to completely identify with what these three people were trying to tell him ultimately led to his destruction.…
In this essay, I give analysis of the symbolism of the burning of the Iliad, and discuss the irony of the arrival of Leper's letter during the school winter carnival which has overtones of the Olympics which Finny wanted to be part of, but was denied.…