Mexican Cartels are the main and biggest contributors to the narcotic empire. Pushing illegal drugs from Mexico through the border of Lerado, Mexico, Texas has been the success of these cartels in distributing drugs into the United States. However as time passes, gangs are getting more and more out of control. Drugs, money, poverty, even music and movies can be at blame for where gangs are headed. There is a large influx of
Hispanic gangs from Mexico affiliated to the Mexican drug cartel, like the Los Zetas.
Authorities are losing control over corralling gang members.
Los Zetas are the most dangerous gang in the world. They are a powerful and violent criminal syndicate in Mexico, and is considered by the U.S. Government to be the most technologically advanced, sophisticated, and dangerous cartel operating in Mexico.
The Los Zetas became a gang in 1999, when commandos of the Mexican Army's elite forces deserted their ranks and decided to work as the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, a powerful drug trafficking organization. Los Zetas are known for beheadings, mutilations and gory execution videos that have become the norm. They have carried out multiple massacres and attacks on civilians and rival cartels such as, 2008 Morelia Grenade attacks on September 15, which 8 people were killed and over 100 were injured. As well as 2010 San Fernando Massacre on August 24 where 72 migrants were found. These
have been just few of the many massacres that the Los Zetas have been apart of and started. Los Zetas have