During the correspondence, Antipas receives a copy of the Gospel of Luke, seeks out and finds Christians, sees life from the perspective of other classes, and questions his own life. Antipas encounters two different groups of Christians: those who do not understand the gospel message, which ends with compromise, and others who hold fast to their convictions despite difficulties. In the letter, Antipas sees how genuine faith works itself out in practice. This group’s lifestyle is …show more content…
Believers today do not face the challenge of imperial religion, but there is much in Western culture that tends to force Christ from His rightful place in believers’ lives. Antipas’s example challenges readers to follow Christ wholeheartedly despite the consequences. If the church today had followed this throughout the years, we would probably be in a better place. Although there were faults and the early church needed help due to persecution, morally, they were better off than we are today. As Christians we can learn so much through this novel and try to remember our roots as