Attended conferences with my tutor, Simon Rodriguez, where I learned about the Enlightenment thinkers Voltaire, Locke and Rousseau…
Although I never met her, Marie Curie is someone who has inspired me and has had a positive impact on my life. I have always held an unyielding interest in science, but was cast aside by a number of teachers and peers. One excellent example is a ‘friend’ who would mock my interests, belittle anything remotely scientific I said, and would invent false accomplishments to try and make himself seem more superior (he actually tried to make me believe that he beat out renowned professors to get his theory of relativity published in the Canadian archives but couldn’t show it to me because it was “top secret”). Reading about Marie Curie and what she was able to accomplish, despite all the difficulties of being a woman in science in the 1800-1900s,…
The very first thing which influenced my decision of what I was going to research came from a music video called “Foil” by Weird Al Yancovic. It begins talking about the usefulness of aluminium foil but then very suddenly turns into a lot of conspiracy nonsense at that he was protected by it all because of his aluminium foil hat. This is what caused me to choose my research project. I had always liked reading conspiracy theories because I found them funny however I never made the consideration of researching one of them.…
Below is a list of popular inventors, scientist and mathematicians who have made significant contributions to society and the world. You are to research each of them and state their contribution(s), the year in which it was made and their field of study. Due Date: February 25, 2010 during regular class time.…
Though Shakespeare’s play celebrates the beauty of love, it is ultimately about the destructive nature of pride…
-And many other highly technical things that are not understood by the average Joe. (4)…
• What important journals, key scholars, or new ideas did you discover from your search.…
James D. Watson had a huge impact on society with his co-discovery of DNA, from a young age he was very interested in science this fuelled his passion. With the help of others James and co-discoverer Francis Crick they cracked the cod of DNA. All this has led other important discoveries and breakthroughs like how we pass on traits though generations, how genes work with health and how we can improve it also in agriculture with new plants that are immune to some pests.…
My internship experience at the Franklin Institute was an astonishing and pleasurable experience that I will never forget. Over the summer I had the opportunity to work with the Franklin Institute "Discovery Camp", which is camp geared toward 6 to 13 year old children who have an interest in science. During my summer internship we did many activities which were geared towards an area in science. For example, I participated in various chemistry experiments as well as the a mummification of frog.…
Scientific research and discovery interests me because it would allow me to develop my professional, intellectual, and personal skills…
I learned that William Herschel was not originally an astronomer by trade. He was actually an Organist in the city of Bath. After he had discovered Uranus, he sought to find how planets and stars were made rather than tracking the orbits of comets and planets. I find this significant because Herschel sought information that was different than what other astronomers were studying at the time.…
My initial impulse when confronted with the prompt to select a piece of work that influenced your view of the world was to think of the book that inspired my career choices. Vaccinated by Paul Offit is about a man by the name of Maurice Hilleman who invented many of today's widely used vaccines and saved millions of lives with his vaccinations. It was not only Hilleman's work, but the way in which he preformed his work – testing on himself and allowing others to present his work if it meant his vaccines would be more readily accepted – that inspired me to investigate more into the world of virology. This book changed the course of my life and helped me to find my passion. Despite all of that, the more I considered what I would write, the more…
a specific paper, experiment, in-depth project or speech) you are most proud of, and tell why…
In each record, describe what happened and how this enabled you to advance your knowledge…
Big achievements start on small ideas. Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something new, to hone your problem-solving skills and to challenge yourself in new ways. Working on a faculty-initiated research project gives you the opportunity work closely with a mentor–a faculty member or other experienced researcher. With a self-initiated research project, you leave Berkeley with a product that represents the distillation of your interests and studies, and possibly, a real contribution to knowledge. (University of California, Berkeley, n.d.)…