empowered me and allowed me to keep my interests where they were. Not only was she a successful female scientist, but also a well-respected scientist in general. To this day, she is the only scientist, male or female, that is a Nobel laureate in more than one science. If she could surpass standards in a time where woman were looked down upon much more than today, than undoubtedly I could make great strides one day as well. Her story has inspired me to set my goals higher and to do what interests me, regardless of the opinions of others. If she was still alive today, I would thank her for the impact she has had on me and then ask her countless questions about her work.
empowered me and allowed me to keep my interests where they were. Not only was she a successful female scientist, but also a well-respected scientist in general. To this day, she is the only scientist, male or female, that is a Nobel laureate in more than one science. If she could surpass standards in a time where woman were looked down upon much more than today, than undoubtedly I could make great strides one day as well. Her story has inspired me to set my goals higher and to do what interests me, regardless of the opinions of others. If she was still alive today, I would thank her for the impact she has had on me and then ask her countless questions about her work.