DIRECTIONS: Discuss the attitude/tone of the poem and the theme in your small groups. Afterward, write down your conclusions regarding the tone and theme of poems about a similar subject.
|“The Quiet World” |“Flirtation” |“Song: To Celia |“love is more thicker than forget” |“Neutral Tones” |
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|Jeffrey McDaniel |Rita Dove | | | |
| | |Ben Jonson |e.e. cummings |Thomas Hardy |
| | | | | |
|The tone of this poem is much softer. |At first the poem is dark and gloomy but |Tone: Bittersweet. |Tone is soft and happy but in the end |“Love deceives” |
|This is demonstrated in phrases such as |halfway through, it becomes cheerier and |Throughout the poem he is trying to tell |gets more passionate and stronger. |“On which lost the more by our love.” |
|“so I slowly whisper I love you |more uplifted. |his love that there’s hope even when it |Key words: Sane and sunly, love cannot |“The smile on your mouth was the deadest |
|thirty-two and a third times.” |Key Phrases: No need to say