Colie is battling with the past and lost all hope for ever being in love again. Unexpectedly she meets the man of her dreams. Falling madly in love and feeling a positive vibe is all she ever wanted. Colie has been through terrible situations that she wants to express to her sisters so bad but is afraid of reactions. The only thing is that Colie puts up this smile to cover up her pain and the sisters have no clue of what’s going on with her. Can Colie maintain her happiness when her skeletons are trying to appear? When she is trying to have a new start? Colie is a strong woman who can maintain anything even with all her struggles, she pushes herself right through it.
Madison and Ohana Santee are identical twins with night and day personalities. Maddie is the outspoken one who plays no games when it comes to her family, while her twin Ohana is the quiet one who loves to stay focused on the books and out the way of others. These two maybe very different but they attract the same type of men, the girls always make sure the men treat their mothers well because young ladies, they will go to 100 for their baby sisters real fast. Follow them as they experience love and heartache.
Layla Santee is the youngest of the Santee sisters and unknowing to her