
Love Of Horses Research Paper

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Horses changed my life and my loving for animals. Horses are magnificent animals on four legs. They can be raced, jumped, used to pull wagons, etc. Horses can be companions and can be your next best friend. When I first started to ride horses, I was about 3 years old. The first horse I rode was dark brown horse named slicky poo. He started out as a wild horse, while time passes and we both grew up we became my best friends. When I first started horse back riding, my trainer had to ride with me on the same horse while teaching me the proper way to ride on the saddle and how to handle the reins. When I learned how to ride on my own I helped trained slicky poo and all of the other horses. We went for long trail rides around the area, then after the trail ride we would wash all of the horses to give them a chance to cool down, eating carrots were the horses favorite thing to do. …show more content…

On our trail rides we would go through tall grass plains and up hills and down very steep hills. The first time I almost fell off of a horse and almost got trampled was when we took a trail ride and we came across a stream. Slicky poo was afraid of streams and water besides from when he was hosed off, and when he walked near it and he backed up then jumped really high across the stream and galloped up this really steep hill. After that situation I had to take time to settle down because I was kinda shaken up and afraid to ever ride slicky again. I learned how to jump over things like logs and bars and I worked on going trotting through the cones with him without knocking any over. When I was in about 3rd grade, I had a birthday party at my trainer's house and the people who was able to come they got a mini lesson on riding horses from my trainer and after that they got to ride around. There was also games, jumpers,

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