Wild or Not?
Mustangs are wild horses, the word mustang comes from the Spanish word “mesteno” which means wild or feral. These horses were originally Spanish ponies that escaped and became wild. They live in herds where a stallon [a boy horse] leads his band or herd to food and water. He also protects his herd which are all mares [which are girl horses] If another stallion tries to steal mares, he will have to fight the other stallion who has the mares. If the other stallion wins the first stallion has to give one mare to the other stallion.
Fact or fiction
Do horses have real predators? Yes, horses do have real predators, the wolf, bear, and mountain lion. Coyotes steal old and sickly colts individuals.
Are mustangs new to Native Americans??
Some of the wild or …show more content…
feral,horses you see are descended from the horses who helped the pioneers settle, so to answer the question mustangs are not new to native American’s. The mustangs helped the natives hunt buffalo and hall wood, they carried the natives to battle. The native americans thought that horses with spots would bring good luck in war. Lewis and Clark got tame mustangs from the Shoshoni Tribe.
Horses live around the world and one place in particular is Chincoteague. They have pony round-ups. They only round up the yearlings and colts.
This is the 2011 pony round up, they swim the horses to the mainland where they are sorted by age. If the horses were not sold well the yearlings there would be way too many horses. The ponies parade goes through main street. In this picture the horses are heading towards main street.The foals you see in this picture will be sold on pony Penning-Day.
They do this every year since 1825!! The mustangs had foals and multiplied making more horses, than other herds would start and there would be no more room on the island.If you got a foal at pony penning day you are helping control the horse's population. Foals are normally born in the spring They drink mare's milk.The foal will be able to walk in a hour or so.That way the foal will be able to keep up with the herd.
Horses live in herds, the herd is like there family and they act just like family to.
The stallion is the dad and the foals have their moms. The stallion [or the dad] protects the rest of the herd. The son of the stallion is the next leader of the herd. After the original stallion dies. The family sticks together.Sometimes mares lead a band of stallions. Each herd is like different families.horses like company because it makes them feel like they are in the herd. If you get one horse you should consider getting a friend for that horse: Like a cat or dog or even another horse. Mustangs and other horses welcome you into their herds [or their family]. Mustangs are very hardy and smart. All horses descend from them. People have made organizations to help horses here are some of them: North American horse rescue organizations,Abaco Wild Horse Fund, Alabama Equine Rescue,Wild Horse Rescue Center,Ever After Mustang Rescue,Mustang Heritage Foundation,Lifesaver,Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Internet Adoption,Habitat for Horses:Home. Many live in temporary holding areas, they are kept in captivity and do not have permanent
How fast is a mustang??
A gallop ranges from 40-48 kilometers in 1 hr. The canter is controlled and the horse can go 16-27 km/h or (10-27km/h). The fastest horse in the world is Winning Brew,he has the record of the fastest speed for a racehorse at 70.76km/h. A horse pulling a carriage can go 4.3 miles in one hour. This is a diagram of a mustang.
Mustangs Hooves
Mustangs hooves are made for running,they don’t need to be clipped or even have horse shoes!! Why don’t mustangs hooves need to clipped? Well it's because they are running so much that it's keeping their hooves in good shape. Because if a stable horse did that its hooves would grow long.Mustangs hooves are like our fingernails, horses need their hooves clipped like us.
Mustangs come in all shapes,colors and sizes. Lots of horses are descended from them. What are you going to do to help the mustangs?