Lovely School of Commerce & Economics Department of Management
Name of the faculty member Rajni Kant Rajhans
Course No: COM359 Course Title Financial Statement Analysis
Class: B.Com Term: Spring Section: Q4108 Batch: 2011-14
Max. Marks 30 Date of Allotment: 25-Jan-13 Date of Submission: 11- Feb-2013
|S. No |Roll No |Objectives of |Topic |Organization |Model* |
| | |Academic Activity | | | |
|1 |ALL STUDENTS |To expose students |A group of three (3) students should be formed. A |The list of the |Report Writing – 5 Marks |
| | |to practical aspect|group should be provided an industry company. All |companies allotted to |(Individual) |
| | |of financial |students of a group will get different companies of|each student is appended|Calculation 5 Marks |
| | |analysis and |the same industry. Students are expected to do |with the Assignment |(Individual) |
| | |prepare them to be |comparative and common-size analysis of the company|plan. The organizations |Comparative statement |
| | |able to interpret |allotted. And will write an introduction about the |are allotted on sectoral|analysis (5 Marks |
| | |the financial |company not having more than one page. Comparative |basis and each group is |individual) |
| | |performance and |analysis will be done for two periods that is by |allotted one sector and