Abstract In order to deal with fraternization, the Army changed their policy in March of 2000; whether you are an active duty or a reserve member, the Army fraternization policies are contained in Army Regulation (AR) 600-20, Army Command Policy. This Army Regulation covers personnel actions. I will touch a very small area; relationships between soldiers of different rank are prohibited. Prior to 2000, the Army National Guard and The United States Army Reserve did not have clear rules to identify relationship guidelines.
Can The Army National ask you about your personnel Relationship? I have been a member of the Army National Guard since 1975; it has its benefits but …show more content…
Fraternization can also be referred to as a dual relationship; in other words, the persons involved maintain a personal relationship outside of the professional one. Being involved with a person within your chain of command can have an adverse effect or a beneficiary effect, either way it’s not allowed. It’s grounds for reduction in rank, bar from re-enlistment and the worst case scenario is a dishonorable discharge. By not allowing dating between higher and lower ranks The Army National Guard keeps the prospective clear for everyone involved in that chain of command. It is very uncomfortable for everyone involved when fraternization occurs within the work place. The atmosphere is very thick and it creates division in the command. Another issue is when the superior soldier tries to protect the lower ranking soldier, often in the form of “coming to the rescue”. This scenario is always bad. Sometimes the lower ranking individual feels like he or she can disregard the authority of the chain of command because they know they have the support of the senior