
Luke's Gospel Of The Prodigal Son

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Luke's Gospel Of The Prodigal Son
The Wonderful thing about Jesus is one of the methods he used when teaching Biblical principles was story telling. Which was relatable and applicable to all people who gathered to hear His teachings as well as those who would read his teachings. The parable he shares here in Luke’s Gospel of the prodigal son and the older brother is a story with application and principles which Jesus desired people to grasp and put into action for their everyday living. The purpose of this exegesis/Hermeneutical paper is to convey to the reader that Jesus told the parable of the two sons to teach wisdom from a father’s perspective, forgiveness and most importantly the significance of Celebration. Historical
The timing of the Gospel of Luke historical writing
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This story seems to be Jesus laying out his perspective and association with sinners. By the time we read around the 15th chapter of the gospel of Luke, Jesus experience has already been put in the spotlight. His walk his encounters with many situations that involved sinners including many had already been put on the scene.
So, the people had already seen Jesus at work. From him dealing with the people on the sabbath day at the Temple, healing the man with a withered hand, the woman with the alabaster box of ointment and the Samaritan community that rejected Jesus. All of these events in history lead up to what we now see in Lukes Gospel the parable of the prodigal son and his older brother for God to speak and use the author of this parable to build up and teach through this parable the importance of celebration and
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He believed that if he could catch him before he crosses the threshold of the city he would be able to cover him. I like how the writer states the next piece where he says that he did not hug him but he fell on his neck KJV. He covered him, this is why he ran and fell on his neck because he couldn’t let his son die like that. So now the writer zooms in a bit closer because now the boy is home the father does not just kill a lamb but he kills the fatted calf. To feed the whole

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