While reading the chapters we have so far and the various discussion boards I have learned that there are many ways to be an outstanding leader and that there isn’t really one style that works for everyone and all of the time. As a leader you have to consider the people your leading and what their abilities are when choosing the best style because a style that might have worked at your last company might not work at your next one. One of the biggest eye openers so far was when we had the discussion assignment on path-goal theory. I thought that there was no way that method would work. Boy was I dead wrong because when it was stated by Vandegrift & Matusitz (2011) that they conducted an analysis that applied the principles of path-goal theory to a renowned music recording company, Columbia Records and that this theory was used by them and was credited to their success I knew then that I had to stay open to any
References: DuBrin, A. J. (2013). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (7th ed.). Mason, OH : South-Western. Vandegrift, R., & Matusitz, J. (2011). Path-Goal Theory: A Successful Columbia Records Story. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 21(4), 350-362. doi:10.1080/10911359.2011.555651