Assignment Title : Safe Activity
Assignment number : 4
Candidates name :
Assessors name : Mr Patman, Mrs Biggs
Date of issue : 2.12.13
Submission Date : 16.12.13
Assessment Objective (Point, Explain, Evidence)
Be able to plan a safe sporting activity
Assessment Criteria
Marking Criteria
Grade Achieved
P5 Produce a plan for the safe delivery of a selected sports activity and review the plan
M4 plan safe sporting activities for a range of sporting environments
D2 evaluate the safety of a selected sports activity
Your Task
Preparation and planning: i.e. instructors, coaches, sports leaders, risk assessments, first aid requirements, facility and equipment checks, participants suitability (e.g. numbers, consent, ability, medical history, gender, social problems, appropriate clothing/ footwear, no jewellery), insurance, instructor/coach guidelines (e.g. ratios). …show more content…
sports hall, cricket pitch, swimming pool, fitness suite, playing field, all weather surface).
Evaluation/review: i.e. accidents (e.g. RIDDOR, near misses, accident books), suitability of activity in relation to the group, effectiveness of facility/location and equipment, strengths and weaknesses of the activity/session (e.g. justification of areas of improvement).
Format for your assignment
This is to be conducted how you feel best you can evidence meeting the