1. PURPOSE: This SOP defines how 3rd Platoon will conduct clearing, disassembling, cleaning, inspection for serviceability, and lubricating and reassembling of the M4 and/or the M4A1 carbine on a weekly basis.
2. APPLICABILITY: 3rd Platoon, Beast Co, 2-8IN, 2ABCT, 4th ID
3. REFERENCES: Lubricate order (LO); STP 21-1-SMCT; TM 9-1005-319-10; and DA From 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES: Squad Leaders are responsible for their squad’s serviceability of their M4/M4A1 carbine and attachments if applicable. As well as the ability for their squad to pass inspection by the platoon sergeant and arms room.
1. Weapons will be checked and cleared prior to disassembly of your weapon. When clearing your weapon, put your weapon on safe if not done so already, and have your battle buddy ensure that the firing chamber is clear.
2. When disassembling your weapon, follow procedures IAW TM 9-1005-319-10 for proper instructions. When disassembly is completed, keep all components in a centralized location so as to prevent misplacing weapon parts.
3. Clean each part with the required weapons cleaning kit provided to you by the arms room. Ensure that all parts are free of dirt, grime, dust, and carbon.
4. Upon cleaning, inspect your weapon to ensure that there are no missing components, cracks, dents, or other discrepancies that would interfere with the weapon’s operation. Any and all discrepancies will be annotated on DA From 2404, (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).
5. Upon completion of cleaning and reassembling of your rifle you will perform a function test IAW TM 9-1005-319-10. Upon completion of the function check place the weapon back on safe.
Steven T. Morse CAPT, IN Commanding