In 1984, MDMA, being sold smoothly around the world, was branded as Ecstasy, until it become illegal in 1985. Ecstasy is often called “the love pill” because it increases perceptions of color and sound, and gives a false sensation when one touches or caresses another, especially during sex. Like any other drugs, Ecstasy has short and long term effects in your body that destroys our body system. It does not really matter how or what part of your body system will be destroyed, since taking Ecstasy or other drugs is already risky enough to break yourself. Ecstasy causes blurred vision and distorts perception, including judging distance. It gives you a false sense of confidence and energy, which may lead you to take risks, such as aggressive driving. Increasing the enjoyment from touch, eye-twitching, dehydration, seizures, sweating, severe sweating do not sound too scary for other people. But as you take in more Ecstasy, it
In 1984, MDMA, being sold smoothly around the world, was branded as Ecstasy, until it become illegal in 1985. Ecstasy is often called “the love pill” because it increases perceptions of color and sound, and gives a false sensation when one touches or caresses another, especially during sex. Like any other drugs, Ecstasy has short and long term effects in your body that destroys our body system. It does not really matter how or what part of your body system will be destroyed, since taking Ecstasy or other drugs is already risky enough to break yourself. Ecstasy causes blurred vision and distorts perception, including judging distance. It gives you a false sense of confidence and energy, which may lead you to take risks, such as aggressive driving. Increasing the enjoyment from touch, eye-twitching, dehydration, seizures, sweating, severe sweating do not sound too scary for other people. But as you take in more Ecstasy, it