Shakespeare way of writing
10 syllables per line. Stress on the second syllable
Quatrain 1: Problem, or way of thinking
Quatrain 2: Problem continues, shift imagery.
Quatrain 3: Turn solution appears
Last 2 lines: heroic or rhyming couplet(conclusion)
Sonnet 29
In quatrain one he talks about his isolation, Lady Fortuna is against himself.
Quatrain 2: He is almost despising himself, wishing that he could be someone else
Quatrain 3: YET, happily i think on thee. Scorn to change to change with kings, doesn’t even want to be a king because he would have to lose the person he loves.
Act 1 scene 1
Lightning, Thunder, Rain(nature imagery)
They do not speak in iambic pentameter, but instead in throchaic tetrameter(incomplete). Speak in the
Do not speak naturally because they are so evil, there talk inverts things.
“fair is foul and foul is fair”
Good is bad, bad is good.
Inversion of morality.
When will we return, when the battle is lost and won
Act 1 Scene 2
Begin in Media-Res in the middle of battle and civil war.
Captain describes Macbeth: Brave Macbeth smoked with bloody execution, they completely annihilated the Norwegians. Un seamed from the enemy from the Naval to Chin. Extremely powerful. He is a bloody
First traitor is Macdonwald
“Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorize another Golgotha.”
Golgotha: Site of crucifixion. (Death or murderous)
Thane of Cawdor has betrayed the King Duncan to the Norwegians.
Thane of Rose: Second Battle the Thane of Cawdor(the 2nd traitor).
Movie Comparison
Duncan is shown as weak, reliant, old, religious. (Holy pure)
Witches: 2nd witch, a person who has been affected or touched. She is crazy because she is hearing the future. (Pagan heretic, satin folk)
2009(world war 2)
War is bloody and awful, Duncan is strong and proud general.
Witches are necromancers.
Act 1, Scene 3
The Witches are also future tellers, the wyrd tellers.