Early this morning, horror enveloped the hearts of Scotland as the news of King Duncan’s death spread, having been ruthlessly murdered in his sleep by his two drunk chamberlains who stabbed him brutally in the heart. At the discovery of what had occurred by the Thane of Fife, Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis and of Cawdor, blinded by his sorrow instantly executed the guilty chamberlains who still had the evidence of their crime dripping from their hands. The men killed before they …show more content…
This undoubtedly places the stamp of proof upon their united guilt and craftsmanship behind the horrific deed. Nevertheless their exists no clear reason why the only two possible heirs to the throne would kill their own father and consequently forfeiting their claim to the throne.
In anguish over the death of their beloved King, Scotland must find a worthy man to follow in the royal foot steps of King Duncan as the only heirs to the throne have become the main suspects for the terrible deed that has occurred.
The country had just succeeded in a victorious war against Ireland and Norway when the death of their King harshly interrupted their rejoicings. Exhausted, heroic leaders had traveled to Inverness, Macbeth’s castle, in order to celebrate their good fortune and enjoy a well earned feast provided by the fair Lady Macbeth.
Her husband had acted bravely upon the battle field and as a reward for his heroic service Duncan presented the Thane of Glamis the additional title Thane of Cawdor as the man who had previously held that title had betrayed the king in the