
Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5 Essay

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Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5 Essay
Within Act 5, scene 5, in the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare effectively conveys the theme of life and death in the form of repetition, symbolism, alliteration, and metaphor. In this passage, Macbeth reflects on the essence of his mortality showing that, in his opinion, the struggle of human existence is foolish when it ultimately signifies nothing. In line 18, Macbeth expresses his continued existence in a monotonous form of repetition, as if one day is no different from the rest, “To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow” (Shakespeare 18). Through this drawed out expression, the additional use of alliteration provides a sense of dreariness, successfully communicating the internal struggles Macbeth is experiencing during that time. This

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