
Macbeth Of Being/Feeling Secure Analysis

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Write on the idea in Macbeth of being/feeling secure and the ironies inherent in this. Throughout Macbeth the idea of being and feeling secure is shown clearly by Shakespeare, he often uses it in very explicit and ironic ways though. Macbeth’s judgement is impaired throughout the play as he only accepts ideas that will benefit him in obtaining his wants; this is mainly due to the witches’ influences on him. He is coaxed into the idea that he is in fact the rightful king and this begins the process of self-damnation for Macbeth. Predominantly I will be focusing on Macbeth being and feeling secure. When the witch’s first prophesise to Macbeth he believes that he is meant to be king and the prophecies mean for him to reign. He immediately …show more content…

Banquo for example says ‘Merciful powers, restrain me the cursed thoughts that nature gives way to in repose’. This means that he is asking for the ‘Powers’, an order of angels, to drive away the demons that cause him to have evil dreams. This is before Duncan’s death and shows that Banquo can sense that something bad will happen after Macbeth was told by the witches of his right to the Kingship. The irony in this is that soon after Macbeth becomes so paranoid and insecure about what Banquo knows that he decides to have him murdered; Banquo is in essence predicting his death. After Duncan’s death, Donalbain a blood relation to Duncan is seen saying ‘Where we are there’s daggers in men’s smiles. The near in blood, the nearly bloody’, this quote shows us just how sure he is that someone in Duncan’s close circle was the murderer and he feels threatened and so leaves the country. What’s more, after Macbeth has been crowned king Macduff says to Ross ‘Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!’ The "old robes" were the royal garments of King Duncan; the new robes will be Macbeth's. This metaphor implies that Macbeth may not know how to wear his new robes. In addition, they are "our" robes; everyone in Scotland will be affected by the way in which the new king handles his powers. It is a direct insult to Macbeth and shows how suspicion is already growing among his men. Most …show more content…

One such thing is having Banquo murdered, ‘there is none but he whose being do I fear’. Banquo has gone from a close companion of Macbeths to a mortal enemy. There are certain ironies here that become more evident later in the play when Macbeths only fear is of Macduff and so he kills his family. It seems that the only way Macbeth can feel secure is by the killing of all that threaten him, both killings are heartless and nonsensical. Macbeth wants to feel physically secure and in killing Banquo he is indeed physically secure but still he is hunted by his ghost. This is Shakespeare showing us that no matter what Macbeth does he will never be safe from what he has done. Macbeth is finally slain by Macduff at the end of the play, again Macbeth shows his insecurity by saying ‘of all men else I have avoided thee’, showing that though the witches apparitions have been taken into account Macbeth still fears Macduff. This is another irony used by Shakespeare as it is not only because Macduff knows Macbeth killed the king but also a more personal vendetta as Macbeth was responsible for the death of his whole family. Macbeth believes that if any man not of a ‘woman’s womb’ could kill him then it would be

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