To increase customer satisfaction, the company is re-evaluating as to whether they should increase the amount of labor in the stores, which should ideally increase speed-of-service. “However, the impact of the plan (which would cost $40 million annually) on the company's bottom line, is unclear.” (Moon & Quelch, 2006) The company spent minimal dollars on advertising to promote a brand model. Starbucks implements coffee standards by controlling the supply chain as much as possible, and maintain control over the operations at the retail level. Starbucks research indicated that customers did perceive many independent coffee houses as a “third place”, but Starbucks was seen more as a convenient, quick, and consistently good coffee provider. (Bukhari, 2012) This is in different to the way Starbucks management views the company. Due to recent warnings that customer satisfaction was declining due to the response time and quickness of being served and employees’ attitude. Starbucks had a system set up to track customer satisfaction. Starbucks had no centralized marketing program. Sales data was collected, and it was the responsibility of management and executives request that specific data be…