Textbook Assignment: “Introduction to the Machinist’s Mate (Surface) Rate” and “Steam Turbines,” chapters 1 and 2, pages 1-1 through 2-32.
1-1. If you are assigned to the M division, which of the following terms best describes your rating?
1. General
1-2. A Machinist’s Mate (MM) (Surface) in the M division will most likely maintain which of the following equipment?
4. Propulsion machinery
1-3. As you move up the promotion ladder to MM3 and then to MM2, your technical leadership responsibilities will change in what way?
3. They will include more military responsibilities
1-4. You can best demonstrate technical leadership in which of the following ways?
1. Develop military leadership
1-5. What is the purpose of the Navy Enlisted Classification Codes (NECs)?
1. To identify skills and training required for specific types of operations or equipment
1-6. Which of the following offices details personnel with special NECs?
2. Chief of Naval Personnel
1-7. Which of the following subjects is covered by the Naval Standards?
1. Security
1-8. Before you can take the Navywide Advancement Examination for MM2, you must be aware of which of the following types of information?
1. Military conduct
2. Naval organization
3. Military justice
1-9. The PQS program has which of the following functions?
1. To describe the knowledge and skills you need to perform your duties correctly
1-10. What person is responsible for the safekeeping of your qualification records?
4. Yourself
1-11. What is the most useful thing to know about a piece of equipment?
4. Where to find the necessary information on the equipment
1-12. The required and recommended training courses to study for advancement in rating can be found in what publication?
2. Bibliography for Advancement Study, NAVEDTRA 12061
1-14. Which of the following hints for studying should help you get the most from your Navy training course?
4. Make