Some general agreement says that evolutionary patterns exist among-lineages. It was frequently identified as macro-evolutionary patterns, which usually focuses on systematic analyses. Macroevolutionary patterns, no matter what causes them, are manifested by persistent ancestral traits in descendant species. One way to identify the lineage pattern of a certain organism is the phylogenetic systematics. The present day multiplicity of species and the structure of the differences between them, first becomes intelligible when it is recognized that the differences have evolved in
Some general agreement says that evolutionary patterns exist among-lineages. It was frequently identified as macro-evolutionary patterns, which usually focuses on systematic analyses. Macroevolutionary patterns, no matter what causes them, are manifested by persistent ancestral traits in descendant species. One way to identify the lineage pattern of a certain organism is the phylogenetic systematics. The present day multiplicity of species and the structure of the differences between them, first becomes intelligible when it is recognized that the differences have evolved in