A. Terry Bahill, University of Arizona, and William L, Chapman, Hughes Aircraft Co.
Quality function deployment (QFD) helps to introduce the idea of quality in early phases of the design cycle and to reevaluate quality considerations throughout the system 's entire life cycle. This article presents a tutorial example of using QFD to design a product. It shows which quality controls in the manufacturing process are most important to ensure customer satisfaction,
Over the past 40 years, the Japanese have developed many techniques for improving quality in manufacturing processes. One of these, quality function deployment (QFD), is becoming very popular in both Japan and the United States.
QFD started in Japan in the late 1960s and is now used by over half of Japan 's major companies. It was introduced in American automobile manufacturing companies in the early 1980s; now many of our major corporations are using it, including John Deere, Ford, Chrysler, General Motors,
Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin
Marietta, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard, Westinghouse, and 3M, QFD is the jewel of the collection of tools now being called total quality management (TQM).
QFD strives to get the idea of quality introduced in early phases of the design cycle and to reevaluate quality issues throughout the product 's entire life cycle. In most implementations, QFD uses many matrices to discover interrelationships between customer demands, product characteristics, and manufacturing processes, as shown in
Exhibit 1. For example, the first QFD chart compares the customer 's demands to quality characteristics. The second chart then investigates the relationships between these quality characteristics and characteristics of the product.
The third chart subsequently examines the relationships between these
References: Akao, Y. (ed.), Quality Function Deployment: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design, Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press (1990). Prentice Hall (1991). Bossert, J. L., Quality Function Deployment: A Fractioner 's Approach, Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press (1991). CRC Press (1992). King, B., Better Designs in Half the Time, Implementing QFD Quality Function Deployment in America, Methuen, MA: GOAL/QPC (1989). Pugh, S., Total Design, New York: Addison-Wesley (1990), QFDplus User Guide, QFDplus Software Program, Plymouth, MI: Ford Motor Co. (1991). Re Velle, J, B,, The New Quality Technology, An Introduction to Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Taguchi Methods, Los Angeles: Hughes Aircraft Co. (1990). Saaty, T, L,, The Analytic Hierarchy Process!, New York: McGraw-Hill (1980). 1990, 1991, and 1992).