Quality, for the purpose of my position, is defined by rclinical outcomes, safety, and service. Quality improvement (QI) as noted by (Shortell & Kaluzny, 2012) is a continuous examination with extensive data collection regarding process outcomes. Measurement includes both the collection of the process of work carried out in the organization as well as the outcome of the work performed.
To begin I would seek to better understanding employees sense of satisfaction with the organization by implement a job satisfaction and growth plan. This would focus on professional expertise, developmental opportunities, opportunities to mentor others, and work/life balance initiatives. My intent is to highlight the possible differences between the younger and older …show more content…
The main idea of HPWP, according to Tomer (2001), is not to control but rather to empower the employee to participate in organizational pursuits. It is based on employee involvement and holds all levels of individuals within the organization responsible for improving work methods without the control of a supervisor. This type of managerial style is likely to reduce high turnover due to the appealing nature of the work environment (Tomer, 2001). Another feature of this work design is its emphasis on training and skill development. For this reason, HPWP may be useful to promote technological competence by emphasizing staff trainings with scheduled documentation time. Expectations linked to the results of outcomes associated with documentation as well as patient contact would be reviewed during monthly