Four inventory systems identified within an organization that each team member is familiar or researched. Four years of inventory data is collected from each organization. Members of Team B collaborate to compare the inventory systems. Inventory
Four inventory systems are compared over different organizations. An inventory system as part of practice management software for veterinarians, Wal-Mart’s inventory system, and winter and summer seasonal inventory for University of Phoenix with descriptions are provided and four years of historical data compared.
AVImark Inventory Control
AVImark software is for a veterinary practice that has an inventory control module. This inventory system receives inventory into the software via purchase orders and then deducts the medical supplies while creating the billing and medical record for a patient. The system is FIFO and has purchase order capabilities; reorder lists, expiration dates for drugs and supplies, bar code scanner integration and reporting capabilities.
The positive features identified were ease of use from within the program and good easy graphing capabilities. Product pricing, price variation reports, and categorical reporting are all available.
The inventory data is not stored historically. The help files ask the user to print an inventory valuation …show more content…
One such factor is seasonal demand. Swimsuits sell better in the spring and summer months, whereas, snow shovels sell better in the fall and winter months. Recognition of this factor helps management avoid under and over estimating stock requirements. Knowing how much inventory is needed requires historical data and mathematical forecasting equations. The seasonal inventory system fills this role and provides management accurate seasonal inventory requirement