The use of the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine is a topic of debate with arguments for and against its use of this machine for medical purposes. An argument that supports the use of the MRI is that research in this field of atomic structure has already led to numerous advances that have provided great public benefit. An example is finding the soft tissue damage that an x-ray would not find because of the magnets, low radio wave frequency and tuning of the MRI machine. Although these machines do not fix the problem it acts as a powerful tool to give doctors and surgeons non-invasive imaging of the body by sending pulses and tuning the molecules of the body. Atomic – structure is still in its infancy and the reason that research in this area is so important is because investing in understanding how particles work will allow us better understanding of the basics of the world we live in. If research in this area never existed, it would be harder to understand how electrons, protons and neutrons work. If it were not for Rutherford taking the time to develop the gold foil experiment, we would not even know the basics of how atoms work. Current data on how atoms and electrons operate is based strictly on observations alone because of this predictions and accuracy are commonly inaccurate. Continued funding should be either increased or maintained to understanding the design of particles and start at the grass roots to understanding more complex compounds. In contrast, a common argument against the need for continued research is that the cost outweighs its benefits. An example of this is the MRI and X-ray machines and how expensive it is to create and maintain them. One of the major issues with
The use of the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine is a topic of debate with arguments for and against its use of this machine for medical purposes. An argument that supports the use of the MRI is that research in this field of atomic structure has already led to numerous advances that have provided great public benefit. An example is finding the soft tissue damage that an x-ray would not find because of the magnets, low radio wave frequency and tuning of the MRI machine. Although these machines do not fix the problem it acts as a powerful tool to give doctors and surgeons non-invasive imaging of the body by sending pulses and tuning the molecules of the body. Atomic – structure is still in its infancy and the reason that research in this area is so important is because investing in understanding how particles work will allow us better understanding of the basics of the world we live in. If research in this area never existed, it would be harder to understand how electrons, protons and neutrons work. If it were not for Rutherford taking the time to develop the gold foil experiment, we would not even know the basics of how atoms work. Current data on how atoms and electrons operate is based strictly on observations alone because of this predictions and accuracy are commonly inaccurate. Continued funding should be either increased or maintained to understanding the design of particles and start at the grass roots to understanding more complex compounds. In contrast, a common argument against the need for continued research is that the cost outweighs its benefits. An example of this is the MRI and X-ray machines and how expensive it is to create and maintain them. One of the major issues with