Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and shouldn't, good and bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful when we have to trade off meeting one value over another. Ethics tend to be codified into a formal system or set of rules which are explicitly adopted by a group of people. Ethics, are how we actually do behave in the face of difficult situations that test our moral fiber. It has been said that values, morals and ethics are inextricably tied together.
Ethics and values deeply integrated in Mahabharata/Vidur Niti
Mahabharata is considered as an encyclopedia of reference for human life. It is said to contain all that a man should know towards achieving the four human goals, Dharma (righteousness), Artha (human Endeavour towards material pursuits), Kama (desire) and Moksha (salvation). The Mahabharata is called the fifth Veda as it contains the essence of the four Vedas. This encompasses a whole lot of knowledge in it, like Vidura Neeti, Srimad Bhagwadgita etc. are a part of this scripture only. Vidur Niti by Mahatama Vidur is one of the prominent Niti Sastras containing ethical values, having relevance even for today.
Once Dritarastra,who was having a sleepless night, called Vidur to seek the way for solace. The preaching which Vidur delivered during that time and subsequently, in continuation, is even today known as Vidur Niti. It contains not only the fundamental principles and deep knowledge of politics, but also deals greatly about ethics and values, i.e. how should an administrator run his government efficiently by following the DHARMA and not resorting to unfair means which are not in the benefit of the stakeholders. In today’s modern management when ethical judgment and importance of recognizing the ethical dimensions is talked about, Mahabharat gives excellent analogies to identify the ethical boundaries. "Rules of ethical conduct",