In 1997, water utilities were contracted in Cochabamba to the American water company Bechtel. This agreement would significantly impact the Cochalas' access to water, cost of living, and overall quality of life. A 35% increase in the cost of already expensive water caused it to become unaffordable to many, particularly the poorest classes of society. In response, tens of thousands of people began rioting at the beginning of the year 2000. The rioting would continue for 4 months during which time a general strike occurred, …show more content…
The World Bank could have chose not to impose the Washington Consensuses on Bolivia by making privatization a conditionality and instead respect sovereignty by providing technical resources to assist the government with whatever model they believe is best for their country. Alternatively the Bolivian government could have taken steps to facilitate the introduction of multiple water companies. This could have lead to increased competition and subsequently lower