Free flowing, natural and beautiful. That is what one may think when hearing the word “water”. The topic of water privatization has many sides. The idea of privatization over water has been around for many years. The article “Looming Water Crisis” written by Peter Beher, is about two executive directors from different corporations stating their opinion on this subject. Terry L. Anderson is an executive director at the Hoover Institution. He is pro water privatization. Anderson explains that if water is privatized there would be an increase in conservation. “As long as water’s cheap, why fix the faucet or switch to an efficient irrigation system?” states Anderson. He also believes that it would be the best way to
Free flowing, natural and beautiful. That is what one may think when hearing the word “water”. The topic of water privatization has many sides. The idea of privatization over water has been around for many years. The article “Looming Water Crisis” written by Peter Beher, is about two executive directors from different corporations stating their opinion on this subject. Terry L. Anderson is an executive director at the Hoover Institution. He is pro water privatization. Anderson explains that if water is privatized there would be an increase in conservation. “As long as water’s cheap, why fix the faucet or switch to an efficient irrigation system?” states Anderson. He also believes that it would be the best way to