Water privatization is the private sector participation in the provision of water services and sanitation, although more rarely it refers to privatization of water resources themselves. Because water services are seen as such a key public service, proposals for private sector participation often evoke strong opposition. Water privatization is a highly controversial topic and touches on the much broader arguments for and against the private control of formerly public services. The privatization of the water industry is a trillion dollar industry and involves multiple technologies including impingement and entrailment as methods of water intake. The industry uses multiple different membrane systems to clean water including
reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and microfiltration
The film Flow focuses mostly on rising nations and the corporate takeover of water systems in those countries such as. In Cochabamba, Bolivia, the footage of the water wars, this erupted after the privatization of the municipal water system. However in Africa, we see families who were uprooted from their homes so that a hugely expensive dam could be built to control the flow of water.
The filmmakers make the argument that the privatization of fresh water is unethical. Water is a basic human need, a fundamental right, and that the privatization of water systems would mean decisions based on profit rather than sustainability in a community. Water privatization has many benefits such as. If done properly, Water privatization can assure safe and simple access to water for anyone who needs it. Privatization of water also assures the same access to water, in spite of the income, and it insures the safety of the environment. However, if anyone wants to go over his or her limit of water, will be charged with the rate that will be set for the availability of water. As a result, Water privatization may have some cons or maybe rip off people, but I think that the benefits are the price to pay for ease of living and a better water quality and it’s the price you pay for the lifestyle you chose.