The other major tissue is the connective tissue, which is more diverse and abundant, compared to the other tissues. The function of the connective tissue is to protect, support, and bind organs. An example of connective tissue could be the tendons and ligaments. There are three main components of the connective tissue, fibers, ground substance and cells. The ground
substance and the protein fibers form extracellular matrix. Some areas you can find the connective tissue is in fat tissue, cartilage blood, and bone.
The muscle tissue is made of specialized cells that can contracts with stimulated. Muscles tissue is voluntary because when the tissue contracts it creates movement of body parts. There are three types of muscles tissue, skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. The muscle tissue helps move the skeleton or organ walls. The cells of the muscle tissue are either spindle-shaped, branching or cylindrical that contain myofilaments. The last major tissue is the nervous tissue that is located within the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves that travel in the body. The nervous tissue consists of cells called neurons that receive, transmit and process nerve impulses. Glial cells are also another cell involved in the nervous tissues that are responsible for protection, nourishment and support of the neurons. The nervous tissue transmits nerve impulses and processes information.
Without the muscle tissue our body would not be about to produces movement. The heart would not get any blood pumping through so it can function. Homeostasis would not be able to do its job correctly if it can’t regulate the blood. The muscles tissue is all about producing movement in body so without it be able to move the skeleton and other selected components of the body or be able to control the size of the lumen.