BY Group – 8
(Mr. Anil Kumar – MP13009 & Mr. Vishav Sharma – MP13070)
Core Situation Analysis
The case is essentially about the company IDEO, which works with many clients with the concept of design thinking, they mainly take projects from the customer and work on these project with targets and millstone. There work is of innovation but against common perception they work very systematically with tough targets. There project with the most of the companies runs for few days to few week and then team moves to new project. All the projects go through following three activity sets
1. Inspiration : Understand the problem from various sources and what kind of solution customer want and what is feasible solution by interacting with all possible stakeholders with project
2. Ideation: Concept generation, brainstorming, prototyping. Refinement towards single design on the basis of feasibility and economic analysis
3. Implementation: Final design testing with user, clients and do the necessary changes as per the user requirement.
This model was quite successful with in IDEO, but one of regular client of IDEO Con Agra Foods felt that they need to work with IDEO on different model i.e. longer periods of engagement with fixed teams from IDEO who exclusively work on projects from Con Agra Foods.
IDEO and Con Agra Foods agreed to the longer term concept of team and one dedicated team of IDEO designers have been deployed with Con Agra Foods and results of this model were very encouraging and the IDEO team was able to work on lot more impact project and both companies after completion of one year of this tie up decided to continue with the model.
Problem Definition
IDEO had culture of project base approach in innovation, where designer have to work with milestone and targets and IDEO was successful with this culture for two decades .This culture don’t give much freedom in given project as people have to meet the strict targets . Also