We don’t have a native language. We speak with our minds, rather than speaking with our voices. We use pictures that come to our mind and send them to a Makonien that we want to talk to.We have a mile radius that we can communicate to each other. If you aren't In the radius then we won't be able to communicate. Since the Makoniens use telepathy to talk to each other this …show more content…
But also they have Makoniens that make the building that they live In and for storages. Scavengers are also another job of the Makoniens. They go down onto the ground and try to find food. They eat mostly herbs. They scavenge as much food as they can for their people.The more food they scavenge the less they have to go back down for food. This Is one of the most difficult jobs, because they are risking their lives to scavenge food. Predators are on the ground that will kill anything they see. This Is one of the jobs that the Makoniens have.They also have contractors who build houses. Some houses are built In the tree’s and also built around the tree. This Is also another dangerous job. With some of the houses/buildings being built Inside the tree. They have to be very cautious with the tree. At any moment the tree could break, fall over on the other houses/trees and destroy their