In 1938 Malcolm was sent to a juvenile detention home in Michigan where he attended high school. In high school Malcolm …show more content…
During his time there he worked on expanding the group, by starting the newspaper Muhammad Speaks, founding two new temples, and becoming the minister of temple 7 and 11. Because of his work the Nation grew from 400 to 40,000. He also spoke out against the segregation gaining many supporters and critics. He left the Nation of Islam after discovering that his leader violated many of the ideals he spoke for. Deciding to take a trip around the world he made the traditional pilgrimage to Mecca. He then converted to traditional Islam and changed his name to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. After his trip around the world he came back with fresh great ideas that could have altered the course of the civil rights movement. He was killed when he was shot in New York, before giving a speech he was shot be members of the Nation of