It is 2:30 am in January 21st, 1965 (one month before Malcolm X’s assassination).
Martin hears footsteps and looks up.
Malcolm X: Hello there Martin
MLK Jr: Hello brother Malcolm, thank you very much for meeting me here. I brought you coffee.
Malcolm X: Ah, thank you. It’s freezing out. How long have you been here for?
MLK Jr: Oh, not too long before you. I’m sorry I’ve called you here at such a late hour, I just don’t want no white officials recording our conversation.
Malcolm X: It’s not a problem, I understand your concern.
MLK Jr: To be frank with you, I had my doubts about meeting with you, but my wife tells me that you have changed.
Malcolm …show more content…
MLK Jr: Well actually, I don’t. That’s why I called you here today. What I do know is that last month you were telling Claude Lewis that I need to wake up, and stop dreaming. Brother, do you think this is my dream? To see my brothers and sisters dying all around me. To see my people denied their rights, and having their freedom beaten out of them? To see a world so full of violence and hate? I would hope that that’s nobody’s dream.
Malcolm X: You’re living in a dream if you believe marches and speeches will change anything.
MLK Jr: Are you suggesting we use violence?
Malcolm X: If the white man can use violence, why can’t so called African Americans? How comes us Blacks just have to take the beaten?
MLK Jr: Violence is not the answer. I told Alex Haley this a couple of days ago, and I’ll say it again now, violence isn’t going to solve our problem. I feel as if you’ve done yourself and our people a great disservice.
Malcolm X: How have I disserviced anyone?
MLK Jr: Urging Negroes to arm themselves and prepare to engage in violence, can reap nothing but grief and pain (interview with Alex Haley).
Malcolm X: Without violence there will be no change. If nonviolence worked I would go for it, but it