
Summary Of Martin Luther King Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Summary Of Martin Luther King Letter From Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr Prominent leader for the African American Civil Rights Movement was imprisoned on April 12th, 1963, for the actions he committed against the law, purposefully breaking the laws at the time through acts of non-violence to propose a future of a non-segregated United States of America. Following Dr. Kings imprisonment, a group of eight clergymen had sent an open letter out, formally known as “A Call for Unity” to criticize whether his actions were suitable for others and himself to follow and urging others to halt their demonstrations. He constructed his response through a letter which he had written on April 16th, 1963, within the Birmingham jail which, was later publicly titled “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Dr. King discusses …show more content…
King addresses the clergymen’s criticism about the timing of the protests and demonstrations presented by the SCLC, noting that the movements are “untimely” when done. thus, he dwells deeper saying that privileged groups will always oppose the action that goes against their status and delay further action against the oppressed. Dr. King explains how the black community has waited long enough for justice, giving a direct example of his six-year old daughter and an amusement park as an act of abuse from racial injustice. The clergymen title Dr. King as an extremist, which Dr. King finds at first a negative title but soon gives reference that Jesus Christ was considered a creative extremist of love.
Martin Luther King Jr. concludes his letter with opposition to the commendation towards the police, his disappointment with the white church leaders, and the optimistic view of African American history throughout the United States. Dr. Kings letters primary purpose was to refute and discuss the accusations made against the SCLC and himself to justify his actions to the clergymen. The use of words such as “you” and “hope” are stated over and over throughout the letter, giving the reader a sense that he’s one of the people that’s going through the struggle of injustice and segregation among

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