In the study of human sciences, psychologists agree that early childhood development largely determines the outcome of a person. As a famous philosopher stated, “It …show more content…
He agreed that slavery was wrong. However, he believed that it was wrong for many different reasons. Malcolm X disregarded the economical view on slavery. In fact, he has never mentioned any negativity of profitability for the slave owners. He asserts that the slave owners exploited the blacks. Malcolm X explains how blacks’ history was totally destroyed by slavery; the slave owners stripped them of their last name, religion, culture, etc. He looked at slavery as an extreme human rights issue. The slave owners would create fear in the black slaves. The slave masters took advantage of the slaves; they would physically, sexually, mentally, and verbally abuse the slaves. Slaves were not merely “workers” or “servants” it was deeper than that. Slavery in the United States was not to be compared with indentured servants around the world; it was far more cruel and unusual. The slave system drove African Americans to hate themselves, and to view whites as superior beings. Slave owners sought to make the slaves solely dependent on them, and the slaves were not allowed to read, write, or to obtain knowledge in any way. With regards to religion, Malcolm X states that, “the Christian faith of most blacks in the US down to the "white, Christian slave master injecting his religion into this Negro." Later he states "America needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem” (Choudhry). He asserts that the whites used their Christian beliefs to program the African American slaves to believe this Christian hierarchy in which slaves were bound to obey their masters. There was no way the slaves had any human rights because they were beaten, raped, and lynched by the slave masters. They were not allowed to leave, and if they were caught trying to escape, they would get punished. As Malcolm X flawlessly stated,