In this essay I will evaluate a website and talk about my evaluation. I will explore all of the different content on this website, different tabs, links and the evaluation of the overall content of the website. I will also share a few of my opinions about this website and the content discussed on this webpage, along with my experience of navigating around this website.
The webpage I am evaluating is, First thing that grabbed my attention was the name of this webpage. is a straight forward web page name that leaves no room for guessing, its content is directly related to the page name. The website itself is easy to navigate with tabs located near the top margin of the page. The colors chosen are easy on my eyes and they didn’t go overboard. It seems a bit artsy, meaning it is a well put together canvas of visuals by whom ever did the web design. After reading a bit more, the pregnant man, Mr. Lee is an art major and probably had something to do with designing this webpage and the easy functionality of it. 's public Oracle database is fully-integrated with RYT Hospital 's internal ambulatory care information system (which runs off an application called Epic). WebObjects is their application gateway for most of the functionalities that you see, but the pages are dynamically generated as static .HTML and .SHTML files to facilitate the indexing of these pages by search engines. A helpful glossary of medical terms are located on the main page which is very helpful for me, since I am not very familiar with the terms used on this website.
After navigating this website quite a few times I felt as though this was a hoax, but they confirm that this is in fact a real pregnancy. I don’t know much about the biology of bodily functions of a man that is pregnant, but, apparently Mr. Lee has been administered few hormones. The following hormones were given to Mr. Lee: luteinizing hormone, follicle
References: Jonassen, D., Kim, B., (2010). Arguing to learn and learning to argue: design justifications and guidelines. Educational Technology Research & Development. 58(4). 439-458. Scott, S. (2009). Perceptions of students ' learning critical thinking through debate in a technology classroom: A case study. Journal of Technology Studies. 34(1): 39-45. Evaluating Website Content (2012), Lee Mingwei (2012),