Once Lisa Fernandes realized that certain kinds of food just didn’t agree with her, she always ate selectively and healthy. But her interest in nutrition got a serious boost when she married Ajit who worked as a Business & Marketing Consultant in the US & Canada, focused mainly on the Natural & Organics packaged foods market. She took keen interest in the innovative products that Ajit worked on, and that stood her in good stead when they relocated to India.
Unlike in the more developed and competitive North American packaged foods market, Lisa couldn’t find a “healthy” packaged snack food for Maya, her school-going daughter – it had to be genuinely wholesome, but great tasting as well. While tasty and convenient snacks were plentiful in the Indian marketplace, what Lisa considered truly healthy & nutritious were just not in packaged form. This, despite several brands making tall claims.
Lisa decided to make some nutrition bars based on Ajit’s old notes of a truly brilliant and successful product he had worked on. They were a hit amongst discerning and health conscious friends and relatives, who instantly realized its value. Soon Lisa was overwhelmed with orders and this prompted Ajit who was engaged elsewhere, to look at this as a potential business opportunity.
Malia Bar
Scaling it up to commercial levels involved use of expensive proprietary technology, but Ajit and Lisa decided the opportunity was too good to miss, what with an economy that can be expected to triple in size in the next 15 years, if managed well. They took on a couple of business partners, formed a company called M/s Good Life Food and launched the brand Malia bar, named after the first syllables of three names – Maya, Lisa and Ajit. Malia is also the name of Lisa’s toddler.
With the involvement of Ajit’s old associates in the US, the manufacturing technology was acquired, the product was reformulated, it was repositioned for adults mainly and the