By: De Belen, Bea
Dela Cruz, Haydee
Dofredo, Alona Jane
What is Ecosystem?
An ecosystem includes all of the living things
(plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere).
Importance of Ecosystem.
Ecosystems are communities of living things and
the environmental features that support them.
Ecosystems are essential to human life, providing us with innumerable and invaluable services. These Ecosystem services are the goods and services derived from natural and managed ecosystems upon which human welfare depends, and include everything from clean air and water to food and fuel.
The Decline of Ecosystems.
Unfortunately, ecosystems are in decline around
the globe.According to the 2005 Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment, a report by the United
Nations Environment Programme, some 60 percent of the ecosystem services that support life on Earth are being degraded and/or used up faster than they can be replenished. In addition, by 2050, the amount of per capita arable land in the US will have decreased from ~1.6 to 0.7 acres per person while simultaneously, the US population is projected to increase 25%.
What is Man Made Ecosystem?
A system in which there is significant interaction
between living and non living organisms is called as an ecosystem. An ecosystem is broadly of two types - terrestrial and aquatic depending on the place where it is present. A forest ecosystem is an example of terrestrial ecosystem and a pond is an example of aquatic ecosystem. Each ecosystem is unique in its composition and contains several species and the number of species interacting in each ecosystem varies according to the size of an ecosystem.
What is Man Made Ecosystem?
An ecosystem which is made and controlled by
human beings but meets all the criteria of an ecosystem is called man made ecosystem. With out human intervention and