Society excludes, torments, and sometimes kills people simply because of their religion. We might not always see it or hear it, but it’s there. Religious persecution is everywhere. It is in our schools, it is in our government, it is engrained in our society. Naturally people persecute and torment those who are not like them, be them Muslim, Mormon, Hindu, or even Christian. Yes, even Christians are being persecuted. We in America hear “so often about Muslims [being] victims of abuse in the West”(Ali). But what we don’t realize that there is another war. An “unrecognized war”(Ali) taking place everywhere from West Africa to the Middle East to South Asia and Oceania. A war on Christians.
Christians are the most persecuted group in the contemporary world. “According to the World Evangelical Alliance, over 200 million Christians in 60 countries are denied fundamental human rights solely because of their faith”(Persecution of Christians). In Egypt, Christians are forced under strict rules that do not apply to mosques and other religious institutions. For example, under Hamayouni Decree, Christians have to go through the federal government in order to build, or even repair their buildings (Persecution of Christians). Not only does Egypt restrict Christians’ ability to build and maintain churches, but also their ability to hold positions. Christians cannot hold senior government positions, diplomatic positions, be in the military, or hold teaching positions (Persecution of Christians). Also, the Egyptian government does not recognize conversions from Islam to Christianity, and since inter-faith marriages in the country are illegal, converts cannot marry people born in Christian communities, and their children receive an Islamic education (Persecution of Copts).
After the “Arab Spring” movement, there have been even more accounts of Christian persecution. Arab Spring is “a revolutionary wave of demonstrations that has been taking place in the Arab