1. How will you provide formal & informal feedback to staff?
One of the most efficient procedure to provide feedback to staff, is providing a system of ongoing feedback on issues of performance which creates an open dialogue with staff about any issues or problems happening in the workplace. Supervisors and managers should make staff comfortable about the feedback to be given or received in order to make them improve their performance and bring positive results to the organization. By providing positive or negative feedback, it’s essential to prepare well before talking with employees. Staffs feedback can and often does occur in the form of a structured formal review, but it doesn’t have to, it can be informal as well.
When a company conducts a informal feedback, it is common to happen verbally conversation, where staff members outline progress and share the issues with his or her manager. Also, it could be done by short meetings to discuss general performance issues and identify areas for improvement.However, a combination of formal and informal reviews of performance works best in mostly companies. In the other side, when the company providesformal feedback, managers need to book a meeting with the staff, or the company has already a standard procedure that monitors the performance of the team (reports, intranet tools etc).
2. What actions will you take against poorly performing staff?
Concerning about actions to take when poor performance is identified is to discuss the reasons for the poor performance and to help the employee to identify ways to overcome it. Superviros and managers should focus discussions on issues of good performance and reinforce the importance for both the individual and the organisation. As poor performance is not always deliberate, some staff members have not been correctly briefed or are working under a misunderstanding. Commonly, personal issues may related to poor performance. Managers need to discuss with them