201x, Quarter X
Week X
Mid-Term Test (20%)
This test is marked out of 100 marks.
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Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (Total 30 marks)
(30 questions; 1 mark each)
Instructions: Circle the best answer for each question.
1) Frederick Taylor is called the father of scientific management. Which of the following did not influence his drive to improve organisational practices:
A. The period of history in which he lived
B. His time studying at Harvard
C. The fact that craftsmen had more power and control than managers
D. His fixation on control of the self and all aspects of life
2) Bureaucracy is an old organizational principle that is still useful because:
E. It helps family members get work
F. Procedural structure generally makes a work place ‘fair’ and customers’ experiences consistent
G. People should be empowered to decide the best course of action for themselves
H. It helps senior managers get on with their jobs, because the organisation’s strategy is clear to all
2) According to Herzberg, money may not motivate employees because:
A. It may be a ‘hygiene’ factor and not a motivator
B. Money doesn’t matter to really good employees
C. People don’t ‘need’ money as much as you might think
D. Money undermines team spirit
3) Bolman and Deal’s political frame is based in part on the assumption that: A. Politics undermines performance in organisations
B. Groups often form coalitions with other groups to get things done
C. Over time, political tensions come and go in organisations
D. Successful leaders tend to avoid political conflicts
4) Katzenbach and Smith suggest that high performing teams require: A. An even number of men and women
B. A strong leader
C. Mutual