If you had ever read Mr. Ducker’s books, you should be impressed by his sagacity. He has the ability to see through the appearance and perceive the essence. He shows a knack for identifying sea changes in business and economics years in advance. He foresaw the emergence of a new type of worker whose occupation would be based on knowledge…
No doubt Mr. Drucker has profound knowledge. He studies a new subject every two or three years, which covers economics, psychics, math, politics, history and so forth. In his books, you will not be surprised when he uses well-documented and extensive evidence to prove his principles.
In spite of being regarded as the most enduring management thinker of our time, Mr. Drucker has a common touch. He is a master of management, but his ability to explain his principles in plain language makes himself as a friend to his readers.
Mr. Drucker is practice-oriented. As he says: “Management is practice rather than