Research in Business
Why Study Research?
• Research provides you with the knowledge and skills needed for the fast-paced decision-making environment.
• Research prepares you to think ahead and provides you with the knowledge to seek opportunities in the environment.
• Companies seek the help of researchers to continuously learn about their environment and prepare ahead for what may happen.
Why Managers need Better Information
• Global and domestic competitions is more vigorous
o Organizations are increasingly practicing research and data mining.
o Organizations need more sound and robust strategies
The Value of Acquiring Skills
• To gather more information before selecting a course of action
• To do a high-level research study
• To understand research design
• To evaluate and resolve a current management dilemma
• To establish a career as a research specialist
Types of Studies Used to do Research
• Reporting
• Descriptive
• Explanatory
• Predictive
• It provides a summation of data to achieve a deeper understanding or to generate statistics for comparison.
• Simple and Data is readily available.
• It requires little interference or conclusion drawing
• It tries to discover answers to the questions WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and sometimes HOW.
• The researcher attempts to describe or define a subject often by creating a profile of group of problems, people or events.
• It may involve collection of data and the creation of a distribution of the number of times the researcher observes a single event or characteristic (research variable)
• It is grounded in theory and theory is created to answer why and how questions.
• It goes beyond description and attempts to explain the reasons for the phenomenon