Managerial Application
Information Technology
Assignment 4
This article describes the technology that enables clients of IBM's federated database engine to access and integrate the data and specialized computational capabilities of a wide range of relational and non-relational data sources. By enabling the database access for their clients, they are creating value to their company by gaining information
IBM Federated Database Technology
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Laura Haas, Senior Manager, IBM Software Group
Eileen Lin, Senior Software Engineer, IBM
01 Mar 2002
In a large modern enterprise, information is almost inevitably distributed among several database management systems. Despite considerable attention from the research community, relatively few commercial systems have attempted to address this issue. This article describes the technology that enables clients of IBM's federated database engine to access and integrate the data and specialized computational capabilities of a wide range of relational and nonrelational data sources. More dW content related to: companies using databases to add business value
In a large modern enterprise, it is almost inevitable that different portions of the organization will use different database management systems to store and search their critical data. Competition, evolving technology, mergers, acquisitions, geographic distribution, and the inevitable decentralization of growth all contribute to this diversity. Yet it is only by combining the information from these systems that the enterprise can realize the full value of the data they contain.
For example, in the finance