Managerial Success Productivity is the essence of any work environment. Despite the type or arena of employment; workers produce something whether it is an object or an intangible item. Many occupational tasks are manual, clerical, or intellectual. Despite which type of task; a manager is responsible for the product, which is a large responsibility. Such responsibility necessitates skills such as goal setting, planning, implementing, and controlling. These four skills dictate the work environment and it’s level of production. Each skill also contains four major components that mold and shape an employee. These four important aspects are the essence of truly being an effective manager. These four steps or skills to managerial success may sound like simple terms but there are also crucial processes that accompany these four skills in order for them to promote and sustain a productive staff. Each skill contains the necessary steps to carry out such difficult managerial duties. Within each skill delegation, motivation, coaching, and performance standards are considered to properly guide an employee.
Goal Setting: Goals are not just how soccer players score points, but in the work environment goals refer to what employers and employees expect of the employees themselves. Goals also give employees and employers to strive toward performing at the best of their abilities. • Delegation- Managerial duties are not just bossing people around. A truly great manager knows their staff and delegates accordingly. For example, a manager will not assign a person with no computer experience a task that requires utilizing computer software. How could that employee possibly reach a goal that meets or exceeds expectations? Appointing the right employee is key to setting and fulfilling goals that will make the company or business a better one. Setting goals is a process that is very realistic. A manager and employee must work together in the goal-setting process.