In this report, I learn that many companies are global with divisions all over the world. One must understand the cultures involved for the organization to run as proficiently and efficiently as possible. What works for one group, may not work for another. One critical objective is to get a culture to mirror organizational culture so that there are no misalignment, gaps, and disconnects. Everything must work in sync, and in harmony for the organization's stability and survivability. Demographics continually change, therefore organizations must be flexible and ready to address that change. To not address that change would put the organization itself at risk of future failure. Today, organizations must understand, that if there is anything that is stead-fast and unchanging, it is change itself. Change is inevitable, it will always occur. How organizations deal with that change can determine success or failure. Cultural management is key to success. As a broad concept, ‘culture’ is highly complex. However, in its simplest form, culture is about the distinctive ways in which people behave in certain situations or contexts, and about how they expect other people to behave in these or similar contexts. In this sense, we all know how significant an understanding of ‘culture’ can be when we enter a new job and our new- found colleagues attempt to explain to us ‘the way things are done around here’. In order to survive and do well in this initially unfamiliar context, we feel the need – and have the opportunity – to ‘learn’ more about the culture distinctive to this particular management context and about people and cultures generally.
Most importantly, I am able to understand more about the main causes and effects of globalization, the impact of globalisation processes on international business management, strategic challenges and the opportunities and possible threats these dynamics pose for global companies and SMEs,cultural differences in management